Monday, May 19, 2008

Future Slugger

Saturday the whole fam cheered Asher on from the the sidelines of his final tee ball game. We celebrated afterward at IHOP. Henceforth we'll heed my dad's words of wisdom, "Friends don't let friends eat breakfast at franchise chains." (Our french toast was like cardboard, and the fruit syrup like snow cone flavoring. But we were there for Ash Man, who was delighted with his smiley face pancake and took home a fine T-Rex crafted by a balloon artist who came to our table.) During his game, Asher kept trotting over to the fans to tell us he had "exciting news" that he would share at breakfast. Finally he spilled it, "My mom is having a baby girl!" Woo hoo! Pants-on-fire-Shayna is already 17 weeks along. Oli and X are so excited for another cousin, due just before Halloween. Congratulations Swiss'!

1 comment:

Cassie said...

Congrats to your sister. Both of her kids are so cute I am sure that this one will be adorable as well! As for Oliver he is still SO CUTE!!! I love that little face of his!