Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Dog Whisperer

Oliver gets pretty excited about canines. "Dog" was his first word, he points them in out in t.v. commercials, and he's always first to identify a bark: "dog." He thrills to see Maudie's face peeking in the kitchen window when she stands on her hind legs on the deck. And when we went out of town recently, he walked to the Marriott's balcony door and asked where Dog was.

He seems fascinated by the tiny dogs from nextdoor. The three became very friendly during a recent romp in the front yard. After lots of sniffing and scoping each other out, Oliver consented to a special kiss.


Gabi said...

"Look I have teeth too!" So funny and cute!

emo said...

Yes, dogs are very cute. But they poo all over my sidewalks. Grr.